So, As it has been ages a lot has been happening. I have moved into a new apartment. It is a very cute small one bedroom one bathroom located in Sugarhouse region of Salt Lake City. Boone is loving his new home as it has a nice sized backyard and is also very conveniently located by the dog park! So please enjoy the photos below of my new place :)
Here is the front of the house. I am that front door and left side of the house. If you take a look to the right there is another entry and that is where my landlord lives!
Here is the backyard and on the other side of my fence is my landlords yard that I can run Boone in when I am he gets a lot of room to run...which we both love :)
This is the side yard which come spring I want to turn into dog land and keep the backyard to humans. We shall see what happens.