Well, I had a great summer is LA! Seth and Aaron are wonderful Co-Leaders and I am going to miss them dearly! So I guess I will start off with my first crew this summer:
They were a very interesting bunch. All very unique in there own way. We did have to send one of our kids home but I had the odds stacked against me. But I think both Seth and I handled the situation very smoothly. I also recieved a wonderful addition to my life....A PUPPY! He came to me as Cash later to be renamed Boone and he is a German Short Haired Pointer who turned 8 months TODAY!
What a very cute puppy! This is Boone getting his last cuddles in with his bed before we flew to UT the next morning!
So yes he has been great. So then I went and spent a week with my good friend Jenni back in OH between crew brightening her summer. The drive was amazing! I guess it is the longest trip I have driven myself and I went through a couple of states I had never been to before which was pretty awsome! So, on to my second crew I suppose. This crew was great! There are purely goofy and silly and I had so much fun with them. I did get posion Ivy/Oak this time around and had to go to the hospital and get a very akward shot in me bum! So, did one of my students so we had to spend a week in the AC taking meds and sleeping away the ichiness! SO, for pictures I will add later because well I current do not have the energy to unpack my external hard drive!
Highlights of things I got to see:
New Orleans! It was a very moving experince spending almost two weeks total in N.O. We drove right through the 9th Ward almost everyday and never even realized it until recently. There is still a lot of distruction and devistation in the area. We would drive by homes that were marked with dead people, dogs, cats, and other such things. I got to spend a fair amount of time in the French Quarter which was great and got to eat french donuts and coffee! I got to experience Burbon Street and watch a group of 4 boys enjoy Burbon Street at 9pm at night! It was very interesting to say the least....a guy dressed as a mermaid....sex EVERYWHERE...strip clubs, sex houses, and half naked girls everywhere!
Swamps...cypress trees and spanish moss. Very pretty and spooky all at the same time.
The Gulf of Mexico. Though I only saw it for a second due to a hurricane that was scheduled to head our way it was pretty!
Southern Hospitality. Ok this is a really true statement. There are so welcoming and friendly and willing to always bring you sometip of food or handy item.
So after both my crews were done I got to spend a very intreging night with Seth and Aaron drink whisky and Coke, watching a girly move and being a schore keeper for a never ending dominos game. (AKA this was my 23 B-day Celebration). Then I spent the next week organizing and getting things ready to move to Utah for the next year or so.
I will have to give a Utah update soon. but for now it is goodnight :)