Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, Its a snowy day and work is slow so I have been taking pictures and videos of boones commands so I thought I would share.

We just started learning the "go lie down" for work because when we get dogs that come in its hard to bring them outside so he has to "go lie down" while the dogs come through which makes it easier on us. He is getting much better at it.

Boone after his "go lie down" command.

He wanted to eat the camera...silly boy!

My good boy...he is excited because he gets to play with all the new dogs that come in first!

This is his down and stay command.

This is my boy acting so silly because he loves to chase the red laser lights!

My life in Utah these Days...

These are all the big dogs...we have a lot of new ones for New Years. The Other video is of all our little guys. Both Megan and I have been working NON STOP...I am on my 6 double shift and she is on her 5! I am very tired and sick of everyone's dogs. I never thought I could say I don't like dogs but after 12 hours a day for 6 days...I think I am getting there. I mean I love my dogs but he doesn't count cause he does what I ask him to do which is always a plus.

(At the end of this video is Boone's Girlfriend PARIS who is training to be a guide dog and she is a wonderful girl who gives kisses)

Boone is doing well. He is getting much better with his commands. He just turn one about 10 days ago and I will post his B-Day pictures...we made him a cake. He comes to work with me everyday where he is learning not to jump on strangers and his down and stay command....which is really down and don't move. He just got Micro- Chipped this Monday which is kind of a great comfort for me.

As for myself I am Rock Climbing about 3 times a week (that is our goal sometimes work gets in the way). I am a part time nanny and love that...they are such great kids. Megan and I have pretty much spent every waking second together for like the past two weeks because of work. We are planning to hike/snowshoe here pretty soon so that should get us some great shots of winter in Utah(which is raging at this very moment on hour 28 of snowfall)! Anyways Enjoy the photos and videos of my silly dumb dog and I shall post again soon :)

Boone sitting like a good boy

Megan and I going crazy on one to many double shifts...and another one to come.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Well, Life has been crazy these past few months. But I think I have finally settled into life for awhile. I am living in Orem, UT working as a part time nanny/ Dog kennel worker. Boone (my pooch) is happily living with me and coming to work with me everyday. I have made some great new friends and will be sending Christmas with a good friend Megan and her family! I am going to post some pictures of wonderful Utah scenery!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A lot of Catching Up to do!!!

Well, I had a great summer is LA! Seth and Aaron are wonderful Co-Leaders and I am going to miss them dearly! So I guess I will start off with my first crew this summer:

They were a very interesting bunch. All very unique in there own way. We did have to send one of our kids home but I had the odds stacked against me. But I think both Seth and I handled the situation very smoothly. I also recieved a wonderful addition to my life....A PUPPY! He came to me as Cash later to be renamed Boone and he is a German Short Haired Pointer who turned 8 months TODAY!
What a very cute puppy! This is Boone getting his last cuddles in with his bed before we flew to UT the next morning!
So yes he has been great. So then I went and spent a week with my good friend Jenni back in OH between crew brightening her summer. The drive was amazing! I guess it is the longest trip I have driven myself and I went through a couple of states I had never been to before which was pretty awsome! So, on to my second crew I suppose. This crew was great! There are purely goofy and silly and I had so much fun with them. I did get posion Ivy/Oak this time around and had to go to the hospital and get a very akward shot in me bum! So, did one of my students so we had to spend a week in the AC taking meds and sleeping away the ichiness! SO, for pictures I will add later because well I current do not have the energy to unpack my external hard drive!
Highlights of things I got to see:
New Orleans! It was a very moving experince spending almost two weeks total in N.O. We drove right through the 9th Ward almost everyday and never even realized it until recently. There is still a lot of distruction and devistation in the area. We would drive by homes that were marked with dead people, dogs, cats, and other such things. I got to spend a fair amount of time in the French Quarter which was great and got to eat french donuts and coffee! I got to experience Burbon Street and watch a group of 4 boys enjoy Burbon Street at 9pm at night! It was very interesting to say the least....a guy dressed as a EVERYWHERE...strip clubs, sex houses, and half naked girls everywhere!
Swamps...cypress trees and spanish moss. Very pretty and spooky all at the same time.
The Gulf of Mexico. Though I only saw it for a second due to a hurricane that was scheduled to head our way it was pretty!
Southern Hospitality. Ok this is a really true statement. There are so welcoming and friendly and willing to always bring you sometip of food or handy item.
So after both my crews were done I got to spend a very intreging night with Seth and Aaron drink whisky and Coke, watching a girly move and being a schore keeper for a never ending dominos game. (AKA this was my 23 B-day Celebration). Then I spent the next week organizing and getting things ready to move to Utah for the next year or so.
I will have to give a Utah update soon. but for now it is goodnight :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

What a Summer!

Wow! What a summer it has been. I have spent my last 2 or so months in Kistachie National Forest in LA! It has been hot and humid beyond ones imagination! I have had two great crews and many adventures. I have picked up a dog named Boone along the way who is a German Short Hair Pointer and is in 4 days going to be 7 months! I have many pictures I am going to post in the next couple of days. All is well and I leave for Utah in one week with two of my best Lady Friends....Jenni and Jill! I will keep all posted on my adventures on the Ski slopes and of course there will be pics and videos of Boones first snow! Well I guess thats all for know...Pictures of the summer to come....miss you all.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A trubite to my time at Hocking and to the People who made it AMAZING!

Hey Everyone! I am getting ready to head out and I just want to say thanks to everyone who have made my time at hocking such an amazing place.

Jeremiah Hunter and I in Chicago Scuba Diving at the Expo!

Jenni Smith Scuba Diving...good skill for a partner in crime to have:)

The Subway in Chicago...Oh Jeremiah Hunter.

Me in Adventure Leadership Class....ahhh backpacking as a class!

Jenni by the Water...

Tim and Me! We were twins that day! distracting her from her map work..hahaha

Jenni, Jill, and Myself! What a bunch of goof balls!

Craig! How can you not love a face like that :)

Jenni (The Eskimo) and Bryce (Rambo)
Halloween 2008

Amy (The Police Officer), Jenni ( The Eskimo) and Myself (The Candy Corn Witch)
Halloween 2008

Myself and Alex's newly decorated door..hehehe

My Jenni!

Myself, Jenni, Amanda, Tess, and Two Way!
Canada 2007

The Beginning of an Amazing Friendships with 3 Amazing People!
Jenni, Jeremiah, and Tim Oh how I love you all SO MUCH!
Canada 2007

There have been many more people in my life at hocking and you all have treated me great. I will miss everyone. I am so thankful for the bonds I have created and I only hope to further my friendships!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Week to Washington

Hello everyone. So I have decided that I was going to blog seeing I was going to be out and about for the next year or so and it would be the best way for everyone to know whats going on. So here's the deal with my life and what I have semi planned for the future:

I will be flying to Seattle next Thursday to attend the SCA crew leader training.
I will be in LA (the state not city ) from June 6th to August 21st.
Then from there it's a little less planned....but I know I will be heading back to OH to get stuff and my friend Jenni where we will then head out to Utah.

My hocking adventures have been great, amazing, eventful, and crazy like most everyone else college experience! I love the people I have met and do regret anything I have ever done. For those still at hocking don't worry I promise I will come back to most of my things are in storage. Hahaha...just kidding guys.

I hope everyone has a great summer and I will try to post as much as I can.