Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well, Its a snowy day and work is slow so I have been taking pictures and videos of boones commands so I thought I would share.

We just started learning the "go lie down" for work because when we get dogs that come in its hard to bring them outside so he has to "go lie down" while the dogs come through which makes it easier on us. He is getting much better at it.

Boone after his "go lie down" command.

He wanted to eat the camera...silly boy!

My good boy...he is excited because he gets to play with all the new dogs that come in first!

This is his down and stay command.

This is my boy acting so silly because he loves to chase the red laser lights!

My life in Utah these Days...

These are all the big dogs...we have a lot of new ones for New Years. The Other video is of all our little guys. Both Megan and I have been working NON STOP...I am on my 6 double shift and she is on her 5! I am very tired and sick of everyone's dogs. I never thought I could say I don't like dogs but after 12 hours a day for 6 days...I think I am getting there. I mean I love my dogs but he doesn't count cause he does what I ask him to do which is always a plus.

(At the end of this video is Boone's Girlfriend PARIS who is training to be a guide dog and she is a wonderful girl who gives kisses)

Boone is doing well. He is getting much better with his commands. He just turn one about 10 days ago and I will post his B-Day pictures...we made him a cake. He comes to work with me everyday where he is learning not to jump on strangers and his down and stay command....which is really down and don't move. He just got Micro- Chipped this Monday which is kind of a great comfort for me.

As for myself I am Rock Climbing about 3 times a week (that is our goal sometimes work gets in the way). I am a part time nanny and love that...they are such great kids. Megan and I have pretty much spent every waking second together for like the past two weeks because of work. We are planning to hike/snowshoe here pretty soon so that should get us some great shots of winter in Utah(which is raging at this very moment on hour 28 of snowfall)! Anyways Enjoy the photos and videos of my silly dumb dog and I shall post again soon :)

Boone sitting like a good boy

Megan and I going crazy on one to many double shifts...and another one to come.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Well, Life has been crazy these past few months. But I think I have finally settled into life for awhile. I am living in Orem, UT working as a part time nanny/ Dog kennel worker. Boone (my pooch) is happily living with me and coming to work with me everyday. I have made some great new friends and will be sending Christmas with a good friend Megan and her family! I am going to post some pictures of wonderful Utah scenery!