Sunday, December 19, 2010

Boone's 2nd BIRTHDAY!

Well, Boone is offically 2. I was very excited to be at work and have the kidos enjoy his birthday as well. He had a blast eating his cake and opening his presents....though he is still going for his ones under the tree at work. Enjoy the photos!

Boone's Birthday Cake (ask for the recipie and I can send it your way...all dog friendly!)

His big present...

His cake plus the 2 others for people!

Boone reeeaallllyyy wanting his cake....


mmmm....sooo good...

He is a very danty eatter....licks the topping first then the cake!

Still working on the frosting

A little help from Mom to get some of that cake down.

Opening one of his presents

Still trying to work on it

Got IT.....but the paper is following me....

His new dragon (he loves these toys!)

The last of the cake that got thrown out...happy dog.
He is becoming a wonderful dog and does so well with all the kids at work. I love him very much and he makes my days so much better. Happy Birthday big guy :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

So Halloween for me was spent at work! This was a great evening and I had such a blast! I hope you enjoy the photos and had a wonderful Halloween of your own!

Here are the gift bags we put together for all of the residents...filled with candy, toys, pencils and other odds and ends. We played games like musical chairs, bobbing for apples, and a skeleton relay. The clients had a wonderful night and Boone and I had a great night as well.

Here is Boone and I. I dressed as a Cave Women and Boone was my Dinosaur.

Here below are some of the pumpkins the residents carved...I think they did a wonderful job :)

Here is another photo of Boone and I.

More shots of Boone in his costume.

....Boone's true feelings about his costume.....

One of our residents carved a spider into their pumpkin and they got the whole spider out in one piece...I was very impressed!

I had a wonderful evening and such a great time with all of the residents. Boone though not liking his costume so much but he had a good time as well. Well...let the Holiday Season Begin!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Boone's Fall Photos :)

Ok...I know its been ages...I apologize :)

So, As it has been ages a lot has been happening. I have moved into a new apartment. It is a very cute small one bedroom one bathroom located in Sugarhouse region of Salt Lake City. Boone is loving his new home as it has a nice sized backyard and is also very conveniently located by the dog park! So please enjoy the photos below of my new place :)

Here is the front of the house. I am that front door and left side of the house. If you take a look to the right there is another entry and that is where my landlord lives!

Here is the backyard and on the other side of my fence is my landlords yard that I can run Boone in when I am he gets a lot of room to run...which we both love :)

This is the side yard which come spring I want to turn into dog land and keep the backyard to humans. We shall see what happens.

This is the living room...more photos to come after painting and I get all the furniture moved in. Here you can see I am still unpacking!

Here is my bedroom...Bedside.

Here is the other half of my bedroom...still in the works but I love the windows in this place :)

Here is the bathroom...nothing to interesting here.

Here is the kitchen...yes that is a doggie door folks!

And the other half of the kitchen.

So that is that. My small and cozy apartment. More photos to come as I slowly piece my place together.

Friday, October 8, 2010

New Place

Here is the kitchen...with a doggie door leading out to the fenced yard!

Here is the side yard.

Here is the backyard...right out the door.

Here is the front of the house...that is my front porch!

This is a great little place! Boone loves the yard and we are a 5min walk from the Dog Park and OMG it is his new favorite place. In the past 2 days we have gone 4 times! This morning it was raining and so this early afternoon we will go and then maybe again tonight. It helps Boone get his energy out and gives him the confidence around other dogs! I will take some pictures today..well try as he spends most of the time running around like a mad man...and post them in the days to come!